Call me Pops! — Advice For My Granddaughter (Born Today)

John Matterson
2 min readOct 25, 2020

Your mom and dad helped me pick the name you will be asked to call me. They tell me Pops is common in Newfoundland, and I will admit it has a bit of jazzy sound to it. I also think it is pretty easy to say which will be great for you when you are just learning to talk. I won’t mention your name for now since I’m not sure yet how you feel about social media.

I am excited about getting to meet you and spending lots of time with you. It might take a little longer than I would like for me to hold you for the first time, but we are strong and will adapt to Zoom.

As new parents, your mom and dad are going to get all kinds of advice on how to raise you. The’ve got your covered. You won’t need any advice for a while. Your job is pretty simple to start with. Food goes in, waste goes out. That’s it. Relax and enjoy that while you can. The expectations will only grow.

You will likely hear that you have someone else’s nose, eyes, ears, etc. Don’t worry about that stuff. The don’t mean it literally. You are all you. Those are just expressions. You will also hear that you are only smiling because you have gas. What do they know, maybe you are smiling because you think farts are funny? Keep that sense of humour. It comes in handy.

It won’t be long before you get taught that a cow says “moo”. Franky, I don’t understand the point of this. I have seldom talked to a cow, and when I did, “moo” did not come up. Just go along with this game though. It will make your people happy.

I have one request. When you can move around pretty well on your own — maybe at 2 years old or so — I want you to jump into your Dad’s lap — elbows and knees first — when he’s not expecting it. I feel like he’s owed a couple of those.

At some point, you will start learning to be your own independent person. When that time comes, here is some grandfatherly advice.

  • Be passionate about whatever you do.
  • Tremors are a sign of coolness.

Love Pops!


Originally published at on October 25, 2020.



John Matterson

I am a writer that happens to have Parkinson’s. I write about my experiences with a balance of humour, optimism and honesty.