I Might Not Be A Perfect Husband After All.
… but my wife is perfect

It turns out when I sent a text to my wife explaining what I thought of the collection of ladders we were accumulating in our house, she thought it was hilarious. When I added a few more thoughts, and posted it on Medium – not so much. Whoops!
Here’s a link to the original in case you missed it: https://medium.com/@john.matterson/i-am-a-perfect-husband-7e731a2b99a9?source=friends_link&sk=71fa7a574570049c2d025e09718afc6c
So, in order to make it right, I immediately stepped around the huge crate of shoes next to my desk, removed the pillows from my chair and got to work on this apology.
If I failed to make this clear in my previous article, I live in a beautiful home which is 100% my wife’s doing. And it’s never boring. That’s why we need all those pillows, vases and candles. To mix it up a bit. She’s so amazing that she can even swap out area rugs without me noticing.
Yup, a lot of things happen around here without me noticing. A new dining room table went undetected by me for over a week once. We ate in the kitchen most of the time, so I wasn’t totally out of it. I did walk by it several time a day though. Something to do with the insanity of the job I had at the time I am certain.
That said, sometimes she puts me on the spot. I’ll walk into a room and she says, “what do you think?” That’s trouble. I have to think fast. New hair? New Clothes? New Furniture? New pet? Eventually she gives a hint or laughs and tells me what I missed. It works for her in reverse too. If I see here wearing something I don’t recognize, I’ll say to her; “is that new?” She hits back on auto response “no, I’ve had this forever.” Sure.
She’s the best, and she puts up with me.