The Joke has Lost The Presidency. Time to Start Telling Jokes Again.

John Matterson
2 min readNov 7, 2020

On several occasions I’ve written about the impact anxiety has on the intensity of Parkinson’s symptoms. This week, watching days of election coverage, has been the quite the test. When I try to concentrate on whatever I am writing, I can feel my face contorting like Joe Cocker, and my body swaying like Stevie Wonder. (It’s unfortunate, I am losing my voice because I expect I would sound pretty good.) I am trying, but I can’t get the insanity out of my head.

I just can’t believe 70,000,000 people would vote for that narcissistic liar. Forget policy. He has led people down a deadly path. I am 100% convinced that at least 69,999,000 of those votes were cast by well-meaning kind people that are just being misled by newspeak and doublethink. George Orwell was clearly a genius.

Please just have him go away. I’m tired of hearing factual daily reports from late night comedians describing the Presidents behaviour, because they are unable make up anything crazier than what he is actually doing. There is absolutely nothing funny about Trump. I want comedians to be able to make fun of the president again.

Do you remember the days when presidents were talked about like this;

President Obamas is apparently interested in owning an NBA team after he leaves office. You’ll know its Obamas team when they travel too much and never pass anything. Jimmy Fallon.

Jimmy Fallon

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.””OH NO!” the President exclaims. “That’s terrible!” His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.Finally, the President looks up and asks, “How many is a brazillion?”


I looked for a Clinton joke, and after two terms as president there were plenty. Many were hilarious, but none of them got by my censors due to their singular focus.

Those were good times. We just didn’t know it.

I am sure Trump and his family will continue to be a joke, but after Jan 20th we can, and must, all stop paying attention.

Let’s make comedy great again. It’s time for all you comedians to get back to work. It’s time to start making fun of President Elect Biden.

It will certainly make me feel better.


Originally published at on November 7, 2020.



John Matterson

I am a writer that happens to have Parkinson’s. I write about my experiences with a balance of humour, optimism and honesty.